Sunday, December 30, 2012

Pause by Trisha DeCesare

Have you ever been in Savasana(Corpse Pose)?  If so, you know that blissful state of total relaxation that occurs at the end of our asana practice.  It’s the time we allow our bodies to settle into our mats and enjoy the pure pleasure of peace.

At the end of Savasana, the teacher instructs us to deepen our breath and to begin to wiggle fingers and toes, hug our knees into our chest and roll to the right side.  Then what??  Do we ever truly pause in that moment? 

Too often that important pause is hurried and sometimes even forgotten.  After all, it’s only a pause and we have more important things to do, right?  Wrong!  We know that Yoga is more than just going from one pose to the next.  It’s about breathing and moving through the poses.  It’s about noticing the moments between effort and ease.  And that’s exactly what the pause is all about.

To me, that pause is the essence of yoga.  It’s the perfect time to feel the stillness and peacefulness you’ve cultivated in your practice.  Your body is heavy and supported by the earth beneath you, your breath has slowed down and your mind chatter has quieted.  Ah, the pleasure of that moment, if only we take the moment to recognize it.

Next time, as you roll to your right side, play with the idea of staying in the fetal position for 8-10 full breath cycles before you push yourself up to a seated position.  Feel the pure joy of your practice at that very moment.

As a long time student, I cherish that moment and stay there as long as I need, even if the entire class already moved on to their OM’s.  As a teacher, I emphasize the importance of that moment with my students.  There is nothing like watching thirty people rolled into a fetal position, body heavy, breath soft, completely still.  The peaceful expression on their faces once they come to a seated position is priceless.  It’s the true meaning of “letting go”. It’s a time of transition, from your practice to the “real world”.  My hope is that this pause allows each of us the opportunity to draw upon our sense of well-being so that we can carry it into our daily lives.

What if you don’t practice yoga or didn’t have time to roll out your mat today?   There is still room for the practice of pausing.  Right now, close your eyes and take five deep inhales and exhales.  Feel the pause between the breaths.  When you’re ready, slowly blink your eyes open and notice how you feel. 

We all live such a fast paced life and rarely take the time to stop, even if it is for only 30 seconds.  But the truth is that no matter how busy our schedules, we can all find 30 seconds if we really want to.  It could be when we wake up, standing in line at the grocery store or when we’re picking up our kids from soccer practice.  We all deserve this time to re-connect back to what is really important, our health and well-being.


Trisha DeCesare | Certified Yoga Teacher, RYT-500 |  Valley Village, CA

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