Recently a friend of mine called me because she was having some guy troubles and wasn’t sure if she wanted to continue or to end the relationship. After a lengthy conversation of pros and cons, “well, but he’s…”, “I know, but…” and “yeah, but on the other hand…,” she said to me, “What should I do?” When I gave that annoying therapist response of answering with the question, “Well, what do you think?,” the answer was “I don’t know.” “Yes, you do,” I replied. “Yes, you do. You’ve just stopped listening to your inner voice.”
We seek answers from others all the time: we go to mechanics to figure out what’s making that noise under the hood; we go to doctors to tell us why we have a headache and sore throat; we ask our yoga teachers why something hurts or why we can’t do a posture. Now, I’m not saying that we shouldn’t seek the advice of professionals when it’s actually warranted, but what ever happened to listening to a gut feeling, following a hunch, or letting an instinct be heard? What ever happened to the question “what do I need to know right now?”
The next time that you find yourself frantically seeking advice as you try to make a personal decision, stop! Put down the phone. Don’t meet at Starbucks. Step away from Facebook. It’s time to look within.
Find a quiet, peaceful place where you can sit comfortably and uninterrupted. Turn off your phone, your computer, your ipod. Get out of your system all the fidgeting you need to so that you can be still. Then close your eyes and allow your breath to deepen. Notice any tension in your body and allow it to leave with the exhalation. Relax into yourself as you set aside any thoughts, worries or to-do lists. In the simplest way, such as “I’m concerned about ___________”, draw into your mind what is your area in question. If you don’t have a specific question, that’s fine! Then ask, “What do I need to know in this moment?” That’s it. Don’t try to reason through answers. Don’t try to process. Just allow. Allow the Universe, your internal guidance system, God, your Higher Power, your gut feelings- whatever name you want to give it- to respond. The answer may not come in that sitting. It may not come the next day. It may not even come in a week. But if you allow and are open and are receptive to signs, then you can trust that the answer is on its way. Begin to turn inward for answers. Practice. And soon you’ll discover that your intuition will grow stronger and will be more obvious. You’ll begin to trust your Self. And you will be on your way to a more connected, happier life than you ever will be if someone else is calling your shots.
Amy Bishop | Certified Yoga Teacher E-RYT500, Personal Trainer | New York, NY
Click here to learn more about Amy.
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