Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Live My Life, As I Teach My Class - By Debbie Wolff

Growing up in an affluent area of Long Island, I led a very normal life. My parents kept me grounded and I had a very healthy lifestyle. I had 2 older brothers who were out of the house as far back as I could remember.
When I was a senior in high school, at 17 years of age, my father fell ill and ultimately passed away and left me at home with my mother at a critical time of my life…college choices. 

I decided to stay local for college thinking this was best for both my mother and myself. If hind-sight is 20-20 I should have realized this was not in either of our best interests.  

Growing unhappy with my decision I began to take to food for comfort.  Before I was 22 years old my weight had ballooned to 182 lbs. I was uncomfortable, unhappy and insecure.  I tried every diet, including pills and liquids with no success.  If I lost 10 lbs I later gained back 12 or more.

I finally made a move to NYC to try to get my life in order.  I went on a physicians diet and lost over 45 lbs. I found myself at home watching TV when a woman named Jacki Sorenson was on showing her “aerobic dancing”. This looked like so much fun and what great music she played! With a number flashing across the screen for local classes I immediately called the one nearest me and enrolled.  I couldn’t afford the price of the classes but robbed Peter to pay Paul…when one day they announced that they were looking for instructors.  I knew I could never do what these ladies were doing but I tried out anyway. There was a running “test” of 1.35 miles in 12 minutes based on my age that I certainly couldn’t pass (so I thought) but I went out and started running to try to improve my times.

When the day came for the running test I was amazed that I made it and thereby became an aerobic dance instructor.  That was 1981 and since then I have taught non-stop fitness.  Through fads and changes I now own a fitness studio and currently am certified to teach spinning, kickboxing, kettlebells, trx, pilates, yoga and more, and am a NSCA certified personal trainer.

I live my life as I teach my classes..full and hardy.  Nothing is too hard to try to endeavor too much to endure.  I currently employ over 20 fabulous instructors and am living a dream that I could not even imagine as a 22 year old “former fatty”.  

I know that inside everyone there is a fit person..they just have to want to make that happen.  All you need is to just do it!

Debbie Wolff 
Owner Fusion Fitness & Yoga | Yoga & Fitness Teacher | Parkland, FL
Click here to learn more about Debbie 

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