Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Morning Sadhana Super Charge Your Day!

How do you start your day before you face the world each day? 
I start each day with morning meditation called Sadhana which includes Kundalini Yoga Kuriya (series of asanas, breathing techniques, and chanting), and meditation combined with breathing techniques, mudras, bhandas, and/or chanting.  To me, this became such an important ritual like brushing my teeth.  If I don’t do it, I feel something is off.  Morning meditation to me is like setting my high vibration “reference point” where I can come back throughout my day whenever I am thrown off center.  Yes, things happens in life, and my mind reacts in unexpected ways, and can put me into dark state of mind.  I find that knowing where to come back really helps me shorten the time I might spend being in a negative state of mind.  My morning practice is based upon the Kundalini Yoga Kuriya and Meditation, but your ‘Sadhana’ can be anything you do consistently so that you can clear your own consciousness to relate yourself to the infinity within.
By doing Sadhana, we can tune up our nervous system and attune ourselves to our highest inner self.  A morning spiritual practie is the key for setting the tone of your  entire day so that you can take control of your day, not allow the day to over take your mind.
“Sadhana is self-enrichment. It is not something which is done to please somebody or to gain something. Sadhana is a personal process in which you bring out your best." ~ Yogi Bhajan
In my practice, I repeat the same Sadhana at least 40-days.  There is a natural 40-day rhythm to habits in the body and mind. It takes about 40-days of consistent practice to break a habit.  Now, for the first time, I am starting a challenging 120-days meditation.  It said that after 120-days, the habit becomes "who you are".  I am interested in finding out if I can keep the commitment, and also how my consciousness will shift during these 4 months.
After my Sadhana, I drink a reshly juiced green juice and a blended super food smoothie.  I feel centered and super charged before I open the door to meet my new day.  When I miss my morning practice, I do it in the afternoon or the evening, but I do feel the difference throughout the day.  You can say that I am depending upon Sadhana, but I believe it is a good addiction to have!
“Develop a regular Sadhana and you take control of your life. Develop a deep sadhana and you open the doors of experience. Commit to meet your higher Self each morning and your decisions and your life become original; your life will bear the signature of your soul; your radiance will express the meaningful intimacy of the Infinite in each moment. Immerse yourself in the joy of victory that comes from starting each day with a powerful sadhana and every challenge becomes opportunity.” - Kundalini Yoga Sadhana Guidelines. Second Edition. Kundalini Research Institute, 2007.
Let’s start taking control of our life by doing regular sadhana, so we can live happy, healthy and holy!!
Kiyomi Takahashi
Certified Yoga Teacher 500RYT  | Venice, CA kiyomiyoga@gmail.com |  www.kiyomiyoga.com

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