Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Flow Together, Stay Connected - By Shani Elyse

We're coming out of the heart of winter here in South Central PA and I've been hearing from many people that they are struggling with staying motivated.  

I want to remind you you that nothing is impossible. Everything we are meant to experience will arrive in perfect order. Whatever we perceive to be "missing" is in its own state of flow.  DO your life - CREATE it!  No matter what your age or your past experience, continue to learn and be open, there is so much to be known.  It's exciting!  

I have come so far on strengthening my conviction in this principle, yet I have so far to go.  I explore new moments with an open heart - no matter how much it aches.  I refuse to allow anyone or anything to dismiss my principles or to manipulate my ability to steadily advance with love.

My heart does get struck by distress from time to time, and I find myself questioning my convictions.  For me, when my heart is challenged, I have learned to harness the energy of a tenacious goddess! It is very useful to use clear communication with a graceful calm and use strength as needed - in defense of personal commitments, not as defensiveness. When someone expresses an attack on our character, it is often a projection of their own lack of self-worth.  And in those arduous moments, when we may feel the impulse to be defensive ask, " What choice am I making with this decision?".  

Are your choices fulfilling the purpose you are driven to fulfill?

Everyday we are presented over and over again with choice. You are choosing what to put in and on your body, you are choosing what/who you share with and what you pass on.  All of these choices deeply influence living the life you are meant to live.  Your choices crave your pathway to success, and to abundance, and to all things beautiful in your life. Choices create expansion for everything you want. 

Also, living yoga emphasizes service, but we also must know how to take care of our own needs.  Whether on or off the mat, Stop fighting with yourself.  At times, you may need to go off on your own for a while. Honor your needs in all their forms - take a hike in the woods, sob your eyes out, enjoy a belly laugh, dive into acts of kindness, become very private, say NO.  You'll be drawn back to expressing your life with others because you have a responsibility to share yourself with the world. This is IT! This is the only opportunity for the world to experience YOU!  Don't deny others of the gifts, blessings, love and insights they were meant to know through being close to YOU.
Flow together ~ stay connected ~ authentically.

Shani Elyse
Flow Together Yoga Center Owner | Certified Yoga Teacher 500RYT | New Cumberland, PA

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