I can sum up my relationship to this quote in one word "whoa". What this signifies to me is a conscious, deep, even radical acceptance of THIS MOMENT, as it is. It is a generous act of surrender and gratitude. So, it got me to thinking. What if this moment is even more miraculous than I EVER thought possible? What if the miracle is ever expansive and limitless? What if all I need to do to connect to this space of possibility is BE with it and allow the miracle itself to expand from within me? What if I am the miracle? What if I am a reflection of the miracle expanding from all things? What if the impossible has “all of sudden” become possible?
Regardless of whether or not I am “right” about any of these “if’s”, I do know that I am willing to live passionately in the space of miracles. I am open and up for the radical surprise of what is. I am FULLY up to practicing Accepting What is as a Miracle. How about you? Wanna Play? If so, read on and dive passionately into the process. For all of you “Miracle Enthusiasts” out there, here is the practice, an invitation to dive into what is with acceptance and gratitude without shifting anything around, simply notice the positioning of your body, feel exactly how it feels.
Close your eyes and see if the feeling intensifies. If you notice any tension, soften it out of the body through your breath Feel your next exhale fully, allowing the miracle to unleash from within you Feel your next inhale as it wells up, allowing the miracle of life to flood your body process. Allow the feeling, just as it is, to unfold as a miracle Repeat these breaths consciously and see how long you can cultivate your inhales and exhales. Allow the practice to be simple and fluid, allowing for each breath to dive you deeper into the miracle. Notice if you can slow down just enough to feel the space deep inside of you where each pulse of your breath rises and falls. From a deep resonate knowing, acknowledge yourself as a miracle From a space of acknowledgement, open to the possibility that you are even more miraculous than you ever thought possible. Repeat to yourself “I accept what is as a miracle“. Share the miracle that you are abundantly with this world. There is no limit to the miraculous power of your spirit. As a miracle enthusiast, inspire others to access the miracle in every breath by simply being YOU!
Sound fun? If you end up taking on the practice, lemme know how it goes! I would love to hear about what shifts. What transforms and that enlivens in your miraculous life process!!!
ROCK ON my friends!!!
Breathe Deeply ~ Live Fully ~ Love Infinitely
Certified Yoga Instructor, RYT-200 | Solana Beach, CA
Jeanette@DynamicAsanaYoga.com | DynamicAsanaYoga.com
Click here to learn more about Jeannette.