Sunday, September 30, 2012

Surprise!!!! This Moment may be EVEN more MIRACULOUS than you Ever Thought Possible! by Jeanette Pearson

This morn­ing, I was read­ing some tid-bits from one of my favorite blogs  and I came across a deli­cious mantra that has become my theme for the day. Accept What Is as a Miracle.

I can sum up my rela­tion­ship to this quote in one word "whoa". What this sig­ni­fies to me is a con­scious, deep, even rad­i­cal accep­tance of THIS MOMENT, as it is. It is a gen­er­ous act of sur­ren­der and grat­i­tude. So, it got me to thinking. What if this moment is even more mirac­u­lous than I EVER thought pos­si­ble?
What if the mir­a­cle is ever expan­sive and lim­it­less?
What if all I need to do to con­nect to this space of pos­si­bil­ity is BE with it and allow the mir­a­cle itself to expand from within me?
What if I am the mir­a­cle?
What if I am a reflec­tion of the mir­a­cle expand­ing from all things?
What if the impos­si­ble has “all of sud­den” become possible?

Regard­less of whether or not I am “right” about any of these “if’s”, I do know that I am will­ing to live pas­sion­ately in the space of mir­a­cles. I am open and up for the rad­i­cal sur­prise of what is. I am FULLY up to prac­tic­ing Accept­ing What is as a Miracle. How about you? Wanna Play? If so, read on and dive pas­sion­ately into the process. For all of you “Mir­a­cle Enthu­si­asts” out there, here is the prac­tice, an invi­ta­tion to dive into what is with accep­tance and grat­i­tude with­out shift­ing any­thing around, sim­ply notice the posi­tion­ing of your body, feel exactly how it feels.

Close your eyes and see if the feel­ing inten­si­fies.
If you notice any ten­sion, soften it out of the body through your breath
Feel your next exhale fully, allow­ing the mir­a­cle to unleash from within you
Feel your next inhale as it wells up, allow­ing the mir­a­cle of life to flood your body process.
Allow the feel­ing, just as it is, to unfold as a mir­a­cle
Repeat these breaths con­sciously and see how long you can cul­ti­vate your inhales and exhales.
Allow the prac­tice to be sim­ple and fluid, allow­ing for each breath to dive you deeper into the mir­a­cle.
Notice if you can slow down just enough to feel the space deep inside of you where each pulse of your breath rises and falls.
From a deep resonate know­ing, acknowl­edge your­self as a mir­a­cle
From a space of acknowl­edge­ment, open to the pos­si­bil­ity that you are even more mirac­u­lous than you ever thought pos­si­ble.
Repeat to your­self “I accept what is as a mir­a­cle“.
Share the mir­a­cle that you are abun­dantly with this world.
There is no limit to the mirac­u­lous power of your spirit.
As a mir­a­cle enthu­si­ast, inspire oth­ers to access the mir­a­cle in every breath by sim­ply being YOU!

Sound fun? If you end up tak­ing on the prac­tice, lemme know how it goes!
I would love to hear about what shifts. What trans­forms and that enlivens in your mirac­u­lous life process!!!
ROCK ON my friends!!!

Breathe Deeply ~ Live Fully ~ Love Infinitely

Certified Yoga Instructor, RYT-200 |  Solana Beach, CA | 
Click here to learn more about Jeannette.