"Times are a changing," sang Bob Dylan. I've never been much of a Dylan fan, but I can't get this song out of my head. This summer has started with a bang for me, with my acceptance into graduate school, a move back to the states from the island of Puerto Rico, and now a brand new Jala ambassador program in my life, I am filled with emotion.
Through so much change, an amazing shift of awareness has happened: I am completely present. Quiz me now and I'll recite my whole week back to you with vivid detail. (I'm feeling mighty confident!)
My husband and I decided that although we are sad to leave such an amazing place, we are embracing this new chapter by opening our arms wide to every experience, just for the sake of it. The uncertainty if we'll ever take part in the island life again has us out of our comfort zone and branching out. This seemed daunting and scary at first, but what a huge blessing! We're visiting places we always said we'd go & doing things we've always wanted because there is a time constraint. Why, just this weekend I skinny dipped with all of my best girlfriends here under the super moon, in the Caribbean, off a sail boat. Yes, I would say that is living in the moment.
Now, I understand this is not the ordinary day to day life everyone leads. However, let my story inspire you even in some minute way. Set a deadline for yourself, even if it is fictional or outrageous, and see what you can do. For example, have you always wanted to visit the parks in your town but never make time to do it? Plan a picnic by the end of the month and amaze yourself over the simple fun you can have. Need a huge change? Challenge yourself to kiss a stranger or save as much money as you can in 1 month for a vacation. Watch your life from a vantage point of a ticking clock countdown. Everyone knows the "life is short" mantra, but what can you do with that time frame?
This is yoga. Not just the sweating and breathing for an hour on your mat. Take what you've learned in class in expand it out there, in your own world. This is one of the greatest gifts yoga has shown me, and I'm living in love each and every day because of it.
Yoga Teacher | Rincon, Puerto Rico
shan.pr.yoga@gmail.com | www.ShanSurferYogi.Com
Click here to learn more about Shannon
Have you heard about the Royal Kumari? She lives in a palace in the center of the capitol city of Nepal, Kathmandu.
Kumari Devi. She is a young pre-pubescent girl, chosen as the incarnation of divine female energy. Otherwise known as the goddess. The people of Nepal worship her, adore her, love her for all that she’s done for them. But what exactly has she done? Nothing really. But what does she represent? Everything, really.
The Kumari Devi is never to leave this palace. Not until she reaches puberty. Her innocence and purity is honored and praised to the highest of reverence. She is just barely seen from the outsider viewing in, through thin sheaths of white chiffon veiling the full silhouette of her majesty.
She represents the Goddess. The Sacred One. The Holy One. Maha Shakti. God. Consciousness. Nature. The Divine. The Highest of all Highs.
The people of Kathmandu have created this young child to not only be a representation of this Holy One, but also to serve as a reminder. Situated prominently in the center of the Durbar Square, she lives in the palace, gracing the people of Nepal as the visual form of this great divine energy-- that is inexplicable and incapable of ever being caught. Her role is to serve as a channel to the Divine.
Life in the Eastern framework feels a lot more natural than Fox 11 News and McDonald’s.
What is your connection to the divine? That’s where spiritual practice comes in. Your yoga practice is your direct link to return back to the Source of all things. Especially in the modern times that we are living in, it is such a challenge to remember why it is we’re all here. There are many forces working against us, especially in the Western world.
Yoga Teacher | Bali, Indonesia
mail@chloeparkhealing.com | www.chloeparkhealing.com
Click here to learn more about Chloe