I found yoga in 1997. There was a class offered at my university and a friend invited me to go. I had no idea what to expect, but it ended up being love at first asana. Finally, something active that I could do that didn't involve running and wasn't supposed to be competitive. The first time I experienced savasana, I cried. Until that point in my life, nothing had given me the same calm and peace I felt as when picking up a drink (that is, until I found a 12-step program years later). This was mind-blowing and yet, still being young and a freshman in college, I continued to drink on and off for the next 10 years. But as they say in the program I am in, and as in yoga, a seed had been planted and there was no turning back.
Over the years, my practice had ebbed and flowed, as did my drinking, but yoga was always in my life, even if I wasn't practicing asana. At times, usually when I was sober, stepping onto the mat was a great place of serenity, a safe place for me to turn, a time to connect with the infinite. At other times, mostly when I was knee deep in my addiction, yoga became somewhat of an enemy. Practicing made me look at myself, emotionally and spiritually and sometimes I wasn't willing or ready to do that.
Today as a yoga teacher, I have the opportunity to share my experiences with other teachers as well as my students. It always amazes me how many people are affected by and struggle with addiction....and I love learning how yoga has helped them.
Yoga and sobriety have given me the opportunity to develop a deep connection with a higher power and a profound understanding of myself. My practice is constantly evolving and has brought contentment and growth that every day when I roll out my mat I can't wait to see where this journey will guide me.
OM shanti
OM peace
Over the years, my practice had ebbed and flowed, as did my drinking, but yoga was always in my life, even if I wasn't practicing asana. At times, usually when I was sober, stepping onto the mat was a great place of serenity, a safe place for me to turn, a time to connect with the infinite. At other times, mostly when I was knee deep in my addiction, yoga became somewhat of an enemy. Practicing made me look at myself, emotionally and spiritually and sometimes I wasn't willing or ready to do that.
Today as a yoga teacher, I have the opportunity to share my experiences with other teachers as well as my students. It always amazes me how many people are affected by and struggle with addiction....and I love learning how yoga has helped them.
Yoga and sobriety have given me the opportunity to develop a deep connection with a higher power and a profound understanding of myself. My practice is constantly evolving and has brought contentment and growth that every day when I roll out my mat I can't wait to see where this journey will guide me.
OM shanti
OM peace
Stacey Latus
Happy Earth Yoga Owner | Certified Yoga Teacher 200RYT | Gaithersburg, MD